By Society’s Abbatial Network for Greater Advancement (SANGA)

  • 1. Background and Project location
  • 2. District Profile
  • 3. Project Goal
  • 4. Target Group
  • 5. Problems to be solved
  • 6. Need Assessment
  • 7. Action Plan
  • 8. Detail Financial Implications for 50 Bedded Community Hospital
  • 9. Project Sustainability


Lingsiphai is a village located in Churachandpur District of Manipur. It is about 5 kilometers from Churachandpur town, the district capital and the only town in the whole district. . It is surrounded by a number of villages like Mata village, Bisanmual, Nakhuphai, Buallian etc. The Khuga Multi-Purpose Project is located a few kilometers south of the village. The State Highway Tiddim Road, passing through the village, is the only connection between the town and the villages in the southern part of the district up to the Myanmar border.

Lingsiphai village is composed of around 210 household with a population of 1700 people approximately. As the village is socially and economically backward majority of the population live below the poverty line. They do not enjoy the basic amenities of life that those in the developed areas take for granted. Their main source of income is through subsistence farming (jhum cultivation) and daily wage labour. Lumbering is carried out in a small scale too.


Churachandpur District, in the southwestern corner of Manipur, has an area of 4570 Its location is 23055′ to 24030′ North and 92059′ to 93050′ East. It is a hilly district with a very small percentage of the area being plain. A large portion of the area is either under current jhum or abandoned jhum: 29,323 Ha and 190,447 Ha. respectively. There is no primary forest in the district and the secondary forest including mixed bamboo forest, covers an area of 118,092 Ha. The area under wasteland is 98,424 Ha. and the total area of the water bodies is 2,144 Ha.(2,072 Ha. of river/streams and 72 lakes/tanks/ponds). The road network covers an area of 3581 Ha located in and around the district headquarter. The maximum temperature is 370C while the minimum is 10C. The highest rainfall is 3080 mm (Tinsong) and the lowest is 597 mm (Geljang). The maximum humidity is 100% and the minimum 61%. The beauty of the landscape is supplemented by the climate which is temperate and salubrious. The winter extending from November to February is cold, particularly in the hills but days are bright and sunny. The monsoon months stretch from May-June to September with heavy showers almost throughout the period. The spring and summer months are mildly pleasant despite high humidity. However, the low temperatures (ranging from 300-350C) prevents sultriness that is so common in eastern India. The climate imparts the people with considerable stamina and hardiness through the lack of rains during non- monsoon months and the consequent decline in water flow in the major rivers during that period makes the state a mono-crop economy.

According to the provisional data of 2001 census, the total population of the district is 2,23,866. The literacy rate in the district is quite high, the percentage being 64.38 (72.6% in male and 56.4% in female). Unlike most parts of the state and the country, the sex ratio is in favour of the female gender: 1034 per 1000 male.


The proposed Hospital with 50 beds is to ensure medical facility for the poor and the deprived people living in the village, Lingsiphai as well as those living in the surrounding areas too. As the area is underdeveloped and people find it difficult to visit the hospital in the town, the proposed hospital will take care of the needs of the people in regard to providing first aid, vaccinations and inoculation, treatment of different diseases and administering health care for pregnant women. The project will also give workshops and seminars on importance of proper maintenance of hygiene and sanitation, pregnancy care, spread of bacterial diseases and means for prevention of water borne diseases and AIDS.


The proposed Hospital will take care of the medical needs of all sections of the people irrespective of age group. For the children, inoculation will be given and their parents will be given advises on the proper caring of babies and their young children. The hospital will look after injuries sustained from accidents and mishaps that are frequent in the region. Pregnant mothers will have proper medical care without having to undergo the difficulty of undertaking long journeys to the District Hospital. The hospital will also take care of administering medical care to the sick and ailing people, both young and old.


The District Hospital is located in the heart of Churachandpur town which is immensely hard for those living in the village to go there for medical treatment. The villagers, due to lack of money and proper means of transport cannot reach the District Hospital to avail the medical facilities. As majority of the people live below the poverty line, they have hardly sufficient money to feed their mouths, much less the money to pay for transportation of the sick to the Hospital. Therefore most of the sick are deprived of the health care facilities resulting in high rate of both infant and adult mortality. Pregnant women find it difficult to commute from the village to the town for continuous medical checkup and even for childbirth. Furthermore, the people are frequently involved in accidents due to harsh weather and rough terrains. During such cases, timely dispensation of first aid cannot be carried out due to the absence of any nearby medical health care facility.


The people have a low level of education and therefore they are ignorant of proper health care and modern medical treatment. Most of the people still rely on traditional system of healing the sick as they are deprived of the modern medical facility. It is not only the ignorance, but the deprivation of proper health care facilities, that has made the people of the region vulnerable to all sorts of diseases like cholera, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio myelitis, influenza, malaria, etc. There are frequent outbreaks of epidemics in the hill areas due to the lack of timely medical help resulting in the loss of many human lives.


The hospital will facilitate the following: (i) immunization; (ii) micronutrient support, particularly vitamin A; (iii) family planning; (iv) prenatal, obstetrical, and postpartum care; (v) systemic case management of pneumonia and diarrhea in children; (vi) case management of tuberculosis (TB) and reproductive tract infections in adults; (vii) health education on selected project-related topics; and (viii) support to victims of violence against women. (ix) Control of Communicable diseases.


The infrastructures for the proposed Hospital are as follows:


(5 acres of land i.e. 3 acres = building & 2acres = parking)
Average and Basic cost of Building a hospital will be @ ` 3250/Sq ft or ` 6,50,00,000 per acre ( 6,50,00,000/- x 5acre = ` 32,50,00,000/-)


Sl.No Particulars MIN Unit Cost(`) Total cost (`)
1 Equipments
Dental X-ray 1 30,00,000 30,00,000
Dental X-ray film processor 2 2,50,000 5,00,000
Mobile X -ray unit 2 47,00,000 94,00,000
Mobile X -ray unit with Image intensifier 1 70,00,000 70,00,000
X-ray safe light 6 2,00,000 12,00,000
Ultra sound unit(general) 1 30,00,000 30,00,000
X-ray viewer(single screen) 2 30,000 60,000
X-ray viewer(double screen) 2 60,000 1,20,000
Cassettee pass- box 2 2,50,000 500000
Film marker 2 3,000 6,000
General X-ray Unit 2 88,00,000 1,76,00,000
Automatic Film Processor 2 35,00,000 70,00,000
OPG Unit 1 55,00,000 55,00,000
Screening unit 1 1,20,00,000 1,20,00,000
Mammography unit 1 60,00,000 6,000,000
Analytic balance 2 35,000 70,000
Binocular microscope 9 33,071 2,97,639
Blood bank refrigerator 2 2,50,000 5,00,000
Blood cell counter, Electrical 2 5,00,644 10,01,288
Centrifuge 5 65,000 3,25,000
Haemoglobinometer, electronic 2 2,92,277 5,84,554
HIV screening machine/ Test kits 1 15,00,000 15,00,000
Water de-ionizer 2 4,50,000 9,00,000
Electrophoresis apparatus 2 1,57,500 3,15,000
Digital count pen 3 2,52,000 7,56,000
Autoclave 1 5,17,842 5,17,842
Anaesthetic machine 3 26,50,991 79,52,972
ECG Monitor 3 7,42,277 22,26,832
Defibrillator 3 2,65,118 7,95,353
Vital Signs Monitor 3 5,00,000 15,00,000
Electrosurgical unit 3 7,80,452 23,41,355
Operating theatre lamp,ceiling mounted. 3 15,69,387 4,708,160
Operating theatre table, major 3 4,24,159 12,72,476
Vacuum Plant 1 9,50,000 9,50,000
Caesaerian section set 2 3,80,688 7,61,376
Pulse oximeter 2 2,00,000 4,00,000
Refrigerator 2 70,000 1,40,000
Suction machine, electric 3 70,000 2,10,000
ICU bed 4 1,50,000 6,00,000
ECG Monitor 2 7,42,277 14,84,555
Patient monitor 2 5,00,000 10,00,000
Mobile X -ray unit 1 47,00,000 47,00,000
Ventilator, adult 1 12,00,000 12,00,000
Bed 4 1,50,000 6,00,000
Suction machine, electric 2 70,000 1,40,000
Trolley, instrument 2 22,080 44,160
Autoclave, large 2 37,81,281 75,62,562
Instrument Cabinet 2 1,00,000 2,00,000
sets (assorted) 3 1,50,000 4,50,000
Stretcher with IV pole 6 24,680 1,48,080
Examination couch metal/wooden 10 38,000 3,80,000
Examination lamp, mobile 3 36,770 110,310
Infusion stand 6 4,800 28,800
Infant weighing scale 2 4,500 9,000
Emergency lamp 3 1,500 4,500
Screen bed 10 9,500 95,000
Spot light 6 1,900 11,400
Tape measure 8 450 3,600
Weighing scale adult 2 9,800 19,600
Wheel chair adult 6 12,650 75,900
Diagnostic set 8 6,600 52,800
Sphygmomanometer 10 1,800 18,000
X-Ray viewer 8 30,000 2,40,000
Thermometer clinical 20 150 3,000
Stethoscope 10 600 6,000
Percussion Hammer 8 1,200 9,600
Fetoscope 4 150 600
Stethoscope, baby 6 4,500 27,000
Suction machine, electrical 4 70,000 2,80,000
Lockable Cabinet 4 15,000 60,000
Fire extinguisher 2 20,000 40,000
Oxygen Set 4 18,000 72,000
Distiller 2 1,00,000 2,00,000
Fridge, Pharmacetical 3 70,000 2,10,000
Balance, precision 2 85,000 1,70,000
Balance, heavy duty 2 50,000 1,00,000
Motor & pestle 2 1,500 3,000
Tablet counter 2 15,000 30,000
Weighing scale(electronic) 2 30,000 60,000
Drug cabinet 2 15,000 30,000
Counting trays 2 7,500 15,000
Dispensing stools 4 2,500 10,000
Fire extinguisher 1 20,000 20,000
Eye Chart E-type 2 6,500 13,000
Eye chart 2 2,500 5,000
Ophthalmoscope set 1 25,000 25,000
Eye tonometer 1 1,50,000 1,50,000
Corneal trephine 1 2,40,000 2,40,000
Focimeter 240 1 1,20,000 1,20,000
Perimeter 1 2,00,000 2,00,000
Eye loupe 2 75,000 1,50,000
Trial Lens 1 3,50,000 3,50,000
Indirect Opthalmoscope 1 12,00,000 12,00,000
Eye examination microscope with tonometer 1 8,50,000 8,50,000
Eye operation microscope 1 7,50,000 7,50,000
Cataract set 2 45,000 90,000
Lid surgery set 2 30,000 60,000
Operating stool 2 5,000 10,000
Spotlight 2 1,900 3,800
Retinoscope 2 95,000 1,90,000
Slit Lamp 2 8,00,000 16,00,000
Plant operating ophthamology 1 6,50,000 6,50,000
ICCE set 2 24,000 48,000
ECCE + 11 set 2 16,000 32,000
10 ENT
Pneumatic ear speculum 2 15,000 30,000
Tuning fork 2 18,000 36,000
Noise Box 2 56,000 1,12,000
Ear Syringe 2 25,000 50,000
Head light 2 45,000 90,000
ENT Diagnostic Set 2 35,000 70,000
Audiometer, diagnostic 1 6,00,000 6,00,000
ENT Treatment Chair 1 12,50,000 12,50,000
Brondoscope, adult 2 12,000 24,000
Brondoscope, paed 2 12,000 24,000
Telespectomy set, adult 2 25,000 50,000
Telespectomy set, paed 2 20,000 40,000
Oephagoscope 2 30,000 60,000
Otoscope 2 19,500 39,000
Tonsilectomy 2 35,000 70,000
BP machine 2 1,800 3,600
Stethoscope 2 600 1,200
Sterilising drum 2 3,182 6,363
Portable lamp 2 36,770 73,540
Cellman hooks 2 6,200 12,400
Laryngeal mirror 2 7,500 15,000
Cautery machine 2 60,000 1,20,000
Troucher and canulla 2 7,500 15,000
ENT Table 2 6,25,000 12,50,000
Jobson horn probe 2 1,950 3,900
Nasal speculum 2 3,800 7,600
Tympanometer 1 1,50,000 1,50,000
Lightsource(endoscopic) 1 2,45,300 2,45,300
Amalgamator 1 32,000 32,000
Dental chair unit 3 11,98,709 35,96,127
Suction machine 1 70,000 70,000
X – ray viewer 1 30,000 30,000
Dental instrument cabinet 1 50,000 50,000
Dental examination mirror 20 1,055 21,097
Examination probes 20 450 9,000
Explorers 20 450 9,000
Ultrasonic scalar 1 1,53,435 1,53,435
Dental autoclave 1 5,17,842 5,17,842
Dental extraction forceps(assorted) -see annex 2 28,769 57,538
Dental Compressor(50litres) 1 3,83,587 3,83,587
Hand pieces, 4holes, high speed 10 28,000 2,80,000
Dental Lab
Curing bath 1 35,000 35,000
Model trimmer 1 20,000 20,000
High speed grinder 1 40,000 40,000
Model drier 1 50,000 50,000
Dental flask 8 2,000 16,000
Dental clamp 4 2,000 8,000
Crown flask with clamp 1 3,000 3,000
Wax knife 12 500 6,000
Polishing lathe 1 60,000 60,000
Orthodontic plier(set)see annex 2 3,000 6,000
Vibrator 1 15,000 15,000
Dental Articulator 6 2,500 15,000
Work bench 1 1,00,000 1,00,000
Pin dexing 1 50,000 50,000
Suspension motor/micromotor with stand 4 1,00,000 4,00,000
Heating furnace 1 50,000 50,000
Spirit lamp 3 200 600
Hydroflask/pressure pot 1 25,000 25,000
Programmed porcelain machine 1 3,00,000 3,00,000
Plaster knife 2 600 1,200
Bench press 2 15,000 30,000
Dewaxing machine 1 50,000 50,000
Hot air syringe 2 2,000 4,000
Fret saw 1 300 300
Sand plaster 1 25,000 25,000
Wire cutter 4 2,000 8,000
Lecron cover 12 650 7,800
Air compressor 1 3,83,587 3,83,587
Casting machine 1 25,000 25,000
Rubber mixing bowl 3 1,250 3,750
Mixing spatula 3 600 1,800
12 Minor Theatre
Operating table, simple 1 1,20,000 1,20,000
Trolley, instrument 1 22,080 22,080
Trolley, dressing 1 15,000 15,000
Sphygmomanometer 2 1,800 3,600
Examination couch metal/wooden 1 38,000 38,000
Screen bed 1 9,500 9,500
Stethoscope 2 600 1200
Spot light 1 1,900 1,900
Examination couch metal/wooden 4 22,080 88,320
Examination lamp, mobile 2 15,000 30,000
Infusion stand 5 4,800 2,4000
Emergency lamp 2 1,500 3,000
Refrigerator, pharmaceutical 1 70,000 70,000
Screen bed 4 9,500 38,000
Spot light 2 1,900 3,800
Tape measure 2 450 900
Trolley instrument(assorted) 3 22,080 66,240
Trolley, dressing 3 15,000 45,000
Trolley, gas cylinder 1 10,000 10,000
Trolley, general purpose 2 25,000 50,000
Trolley,Emergency 2 45,000 90,000
Trolley, linen 1 26,660 26,660
Trolley, medicine/drug 3 82,950 2,48,850
Trolley, patient, stretcher 5 26,680 1,33,400
Wall clock 3 500 1,500
Wheel chair adult 5 12,650 63,250
Diagnostic set 3 6,600 19,800
Manual suction machine 2 6,500 13,000
Sphygmomanometer 5 1,800 9,000
Thermometer clinical 10 150 1,500
Stethoscope 5 600 3,000
Percussion Hammer 2 1,200 2,400
Fetoscope 3 150 450
Stethoscope, baby 2 4,500 9,000
Suction machine, electrical 3 70,000 2,10,000
Ambu bag, adult 4 3,500 14,000
Ambu bag, pediatrics 4 3,500 14,000
Defibrillator 1 2,65,118 2,65,118
ECG Monitor 2 7,42,277 14,84,555
Laryngoscope 2 20,328 40,656
Oxygen regulator with flow meter 3 18,000 54,000
Airways,assorted sizes 4 800 3,200
Mouth gags 5 950 4,750
Intubation tubes, assorted sizes 6 350 2,100
Chest tubes 5 600 3,000
Oxygen concentrators 2 1,28,600 2,57,200
Pulse oximeter 1 2,00,000 2,00,000
14 X – ray
General X-ray Unit 1 88,00,000 88,00,000
Automatic Film Processor 1 35,00,000 35,00,000
Automatic Film Processor 2 35,00,000 70,00,000
Film hopper 2 2,00,000 4,00,000
X-ray safe light 6 2,00,000 12,00,000
15 Laboratory
Haemoglobinometer, electronic 1 2,92,277 2,92,277
Centrifuge 1 65,000 65,000
Binocular microscope 2 33,071 66,142
Calorimeter 1 33,071 33,071
Examination couch metal/wooden 4 38,000 1,52,000
Examination lamp, mobile 2 36,770 73,540
Infant weighing scale 3 4,500 13,500
Refrigerator, KEPI 2 1,50,000 3,00,000
Trolley instrument(assorted) 2 22,080 44,160
Wheel chair adult 2 12,650 25,300
Insertion set 5 2,000 10,000
Speculum set 4 2,500 10,000
Implant removal kit 2 2,500 5,000
Autoclave 1 40,000 40,000
Uterine Sound 2 1,800 3,600
Commode chair 2 35,000 70,000
Cool box 2 20,000 40,000
Examination couch metal/wooden 1 38,000 38,000
Examination lamp, mobile 1 36,770 36,770
Infusion stand 10 4,800 48,000
Emergency lamp 2 1,500 3,000
Refrigerator 1 70,000 70,000
Screen bed 6 9,500 57,000
Trolley instrument(assorted) 5 20,000 1,00,000
Trolley, medicine/drug 2 82,950 1,65,900
Trolley, patient, stretcher 1 26,680 26,680
Wheel chair adult 2 12,650 25,300
Diagnostic set 2 6,600 13,200
Manual suction machine 1 6,500 6,500
Sphygmomanometer 3 1,800 5,400
Stethoscope 3 600 1,800
Suction machine, electrical 1 70,000 70,000
Oxygen set 2 18,000 36,000
Electric heater(wall mounted) 2 20,000 40,000
Electric kettle 1 5,000 5,000
Baby cot 6 45,000 2,70,000
Delivery bed 6 3,80,800 22,84,800
Obstetric bed 25 15,000 3,75,000
Fetus detector 1 1,55,800 1,55,800
Incubator, infant 3 4,61,800 13,85,400
Infant radiant warmer 2 1,18,000 2,36,000
Phototherapy unit 2 85,000 1,70,000
Infant weighing scale 2 4,500 9,000
Ultrasonic Nebulizer 2 35,000 70,000
Gynecological examination table 1 70,000 70,000
Examination Lamp 2 36,770 73,540
Autoclave 1 5,17,842 5,17,842
Rescucitaire 2 1,50,000 3,00,000
Infusion stand 6 4,800 28,800
Sphygmomanometer(BP machine) 4 1,800 7,200
Refrigerator 1 70,000 70,000
Blood warmer 1 65,000 65,000
Oxygen set 2 18,000 36,000
Suction machine, manual 1 70,000 70,000
19 Theatre, maternity
Anaesthetic machine with ventilator 1 26,50,991 26,50,991
Operating light 1 15,69,387 15,69,387
Lamp 1 36,770 36,770
Trolley instrument(assorted) 1 22,080 22,080
Operation table 1 4,24,159 4,24,159
Electrosurgical unit 1 7,80,452 7,80,452
Suction machine, electrical 1 70,000 70,000
X – ray viewer 1 30,000 30,000
Patient trolley 1 26,680 26,680
Work bench & couch 2 40,000 40,000
Electric leather sewing machine 1 2,00,000 2,00,000
Parallel bar 2 10,000 20,000
Limb Vice 2 10,000 20,000
Arc welding machine 1 80,000 80,000
Column drill with quick chuck 1 60,000 60,000
Vacuum laminating machine 1 80,000 80,000
Air compressor 1 60,000 60,000
Shoe stretcher 1 1,00,000 1,00,000
Prosthetic kit 1 1,00,000 1,00,000
Orthotic kit 1 70,000 70,000
Router machine 1 80,000 80,000
PVA sealing iron 2 10,000 20,000
Toolbox, complete 4 65,000 2,60,000
Digital clamp meter 2 15,000 30,000
Drilling Machine, hand 2 47,500 95,000
Grinder, angle 2 45,000 90,000
Welding Machine(ARC) 1 75,000 75,000
Gas Welding Torches 1 18,000 18,000
Systems Analyser(Refrigeration) 1 18,500 18,500
Die Stock, complete 1 14,800 14,800
Air Compressor 1 85,000 85,000
Bending machine 1 15,000 15,000
Autopsy table 2 80,000 1,60,000
Autopsy Instruments 2 50,000 1,00,000
Cold room Units 2 20,00,000 40,00,000
Examination Lamp 2 36,770 73,540
Extractor, Fan 2 25,000 50,000
Body Trolley 4 26,680 1,06,720
Viewing table 1 80,000 80,000
Preparation table 2 80,000 1,60,000
Hospital bed(standard) 375 8,500 31,87,500
Bed side locker, wooden 375 4,000 15,00,000
Bench 70 600 42,000
Bin pedal 60 450 27,000
Cabinet, dangerous drug, 15 15,000 2,25,000
Conference table 2 25,000 50,000
Clothing lockers, metal 165 1,500 2,47,500
Coffee table 25 3,500 87,500
Cot child drop 5 7,500 37,500
Crib trolley, infant 5 5,400 27,000
Cupboard 45 10,000 4,50,000
Desk, single pedestal with 3 drawers 70 12,000 8,40,000
Emergency trolley 10 25,000 2,50,000
Executive chair 10 18,000 1,80,000
Filling cabinet 80 15,000 12,00,000
Mattress for adult bed polyurethane foam 375 3,500 13,12,500
Office chair 135 2,500 3,37,500
Stool 130 700 91,000
Waste paper tub 50 700 35,000
Total cost of Equipments and furnitures
= 196572210


Annual per bed cost of 50 bedded Community Hospital

Monthly salary bill ` 35,18,000/- and Annual bill is ` 4,22,16,000/- the break up is as follows:

Sl.No Item No. of Personnel x Per month Total Salary per month(`) Annual Total Cost(`)
1 Basic specialists one each for, general
Medicine, Obstetrics & gyanaec, Pediatrics, Anaesthesia and Pathology
6 x 50000/- 30,00,000/- 3,60,00,000/-
2 General duty Medical Officer 8 x 15,000/- 1,20,000/- 14,40,000/-
3 Nurses GNM 10 x 10,000/- 1,00,000/- 12,00,000/-
4 Ward boys/ANMs 10 x 7,000/- 70,000/- 8,40,000/-
5 Technicians Pathology; X ray Operation Room 10 x 7,500/- 75,000/- 9,00,000/-
6 Sweepers 10 x 4,000/- 40,000/- 4,80,000/-
7 Watchmen 5 x 5,000/- 25,000/- 3,00,000/-
8 Receptionists, Clerks, Pharmacist 12 x 6,000/- 72,000/- 8,64,000/-
9 Administration Officer 1 x 12,000/- 12,000/- 1,44,000/-
10 Electrician 1 x 4,000/- 4,000/- 48,000/-
Total Cost of Staff Salary 35,18,000/- 4,22,16,000/-

Grand Total Cost of 50 Bedded Community Hospital Project ( A + B + C)

= (A) ` 32,50,00,000 + (B) ` 19,65,72,210 + (C) ` 4,22,16,000 = ` 56,37,88,210/-

(Rupees Fifty six crores, thirty seven lakhs eighty eigth thousand two hundred ten) only

As the Project is designed purely for non-profit, and its facility will reach the poorest of the poor, who are being deprived of essential basic health facility in the remotest corner of the country, the sole means of funds will solely be relied on CSR funding

Shri Thangliansang,
Secretary, SANGA